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- From: hkaul@lava.net (Na Kaula)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Does Clinton Know ?
- Date: 9 Jun 1996 23:26:16 GMT
- Organization: LavaNet, Inc.
- Lines: 99
- Sender: hkaul@
- Message-ID: <4pfmio$lbk@mochi.lava.net>
- References: <4ose4p$h44@news2.qtm.net> <31b449f4.4167702@news.gate.net>
- <4p8g0e$3o4@mochi.lava.net> <4pdadm$rct@tiger.avana.net>
- <4pdn66$bdi@mochi.lava.net> <31bac490.25161855@news.gate.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ohia031.lava.net
- X-Posted-From: InterNews 1.0.8@ohia031.lava.net
- X-Authenticated: hkaul on POP host
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:25127 alt.alien.visitors:86226 alt.conspiracy.area51:11037 alt.paranet.abduct:5636 alt.paranet.ufo:52303 alt.ufo.reports:9090
- In article <31bac490.25161855@news.gate.net>
- wscott@gate.net (W. Scott Gibson) writes:
- > Can you say Vietnam, or Afghanistan? Waco and Ruby Ridge happened
- > because the vast majority of Americans still support the government.
- This is true. My original point about the alleged scenario that the
- Commander-In-Chief is being lied to about Military involvement in
- UFO/alien visits indicates to me that the spooks and 'information
- specialists' are very nervous about the possibility of being exposed
- for what they are... manipulators of public opinion. And they may go
- so far as to lie to the President to say 'It never happened...
- (noonesawmedoityoucantproveathing).
- They are good at what they do. Waco and Ruby Ridge were painted as
- nut-cases, and a majority of Americans still support the government.
- The folks on the receiving end at Waco and Ruby Ridge, however, were
- excercising what they saw as their Second Amendment rights, and
- government tyranny was brought right to their doorstep and trampled
- them. Nowadays even an agency as mundane as the Food & Drug
- Administration is using the armed police-state tactics to raid
- alternative medicine clinics and vitamin/food supplement suppliers...
- oppressive force against unarmed and largely pacifist citizens who
- could easily be controlled by a simple court injunction.
- I do notice that the government is treading much more lightly on the
- 'Freemen' in Montana, now that public awareness has been sensitized by
- Waco and Ruby Ridge. But you don't see armed 'vitamin raids' making the
- 6pm news. If they think they can get away with it without inciting the
- public to riot... they will try.
- > If a large enough portion of the population saw the government as
- > oppressive, civilian arms would be useful when employed with guerilla
- > tactics.
- This is true. But a large portion of the population does not *want* to
- believe it could ever come to this... and the information specialists
- want to make sure the population keeps on feeling this.
- Consider this hypothetical question: What would the population do to
- the government if it were to be revealed that we have been lied to
- about government involvement with UFOs/aliens for about 40 years??
- Hypothetical Answers: 1) Someone would have to take the blame. Who?
- Intelligence agencies would be the most likely culprits.
- 2.) It would not be in the interest of 'National Security' for the
- Intelligence agencies to be so exposed/gutted/blamed, THEREFORE:
- 3.) The Intelligence agencies probably believe that they are protecting
- the national interest by illegally lying/covering-up all the way to the
- President. CATCH-22 They may have even convinced the President that
- it is not in the national interest for him to ask 'that question'. So
- where does this scenario leave our country and constitution?
- These are the seeds of the 'secret government within the government'.
- (Yes, Vivian, I have heard of the trilateral commission and the new
- world order. But I'd still like to believe that if we voted all the
- rascals out of office, started with a fresh slate, and all agreed to
- abide by the framers Constitution that we could reclaim this country
- for the sovereign citizens who really are supposed to own it.)
- >It's likely some portion of the military would side with the
- > populace. If you're vastly outgunned by an invading army, you use what
- > you have to get what you need. The men who wrote the Constitution knew
- > about oppressive government. The Second Amendment was one of the ways
- > they tried to insure our government never became oppressive.
- >
- > Scott Gibson
- Agreed and understood. I'm not advocating an armed revolution. The
- thought scares me, and I do not own a gun. (See! The spin doctors have
- convinced me,too!) I support the Constitution, including militia, but
- I'd rather not take the first bullet. It also scares me that some
- within our government allegedly do NOT support the constitution...
- except their version of it. It scares me that some do not vote, or
- believe that it does no good to vote, or that our votes are purchased
- by the information specialists. This is a scenario the founding
- fathers saw as 'freedom of the press', or in our day, freedom of
- information. How does the militiaman know who to shoot at if
- information is controlled or altered? Who do I vote for? What
- questions do I ask? That's what I do... ask questions and seek the
- truth, no matter who or what it embarasses.
- The way to boil a frog is to put him in comfortably cool water and
- raise the temperature slowly, so that he never notices what is
- happening. If you drop him suddenly in hot water, he will jump out!
- Does anyone smell hot-water around here??
- Clinton Knows, IMO. Or at least has enough information and resources
- available to him to know...if he wants to. What's he doing about it?
- Is it constitutional? So who ya gonna vote for, now?
- Do you suppose there is enough public awareness to make this an
- election-year issue, or are all of us here just
- 'lunatic-fringe-wackpots'? Wouldn't it be fun to steal an election
- from the new world order planners?
- But I blather, much off-topic. Somebody pushed my 'Constitution'
- button.
- (Rant mode: OFF, Lurk Mode:ON... alt.politics... here I go.)